Voice to Text Conversion: Voice to text conversion is the process of converting spoken words into written texts. This process is also often called speech recognition. Although these terms are almost synonymous, Speech recognition is sometimes used to describe the wider process of extracting meaning from speech, i.e. speech understanding.
E-Madbatah: Features of preparing minutes/meetings automatically
Converting the audio content of sessions/meetings into written text automatically.
Reviewing and correcting the text in a way that makes it easier for the user to correct and review the text.
Providing a way to identify audio clips and attribute them to the speaker (from the session/meeting attendees)
The system automatically determines an index that includes all attendees and all pages that include their participation.
Recording the number of seconds for each participation in the session, from which the percentages of members' participation can be known and tracked.
Organizing the workflow between data entry and reviewers in a more effective way.
Makes the user more focused on correction because the program provides automatic coordination for most parts of the minutes.
A methodology for preparing the minutes in a fixed manner through an electronic system.
Ease of searching, retrieving, publishing, and integration with any other systems.